The Reason Why a Battery Fire is Referred to as ′Suppression′ rather than ′Extinguishing′(UPDATE)   
Interview William S. Lerner
2024년 11월호 지면기사  / 한상민 기자

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Interview William S. Lerner      

Following the electric vehicle fire in Incheon (Cheongna) and the ongoing reports of fires around the world, we have been in continuous discussions with William S. Lerner, an EV infrastructure specialist and risk mitigation consultant in the United States, regarding safety measures for battery-related vehicles, on-site fire response, charging and infrastructure, and considerations for building sites during September and October. Here’s what we discussed.

Written by han _

William S. Lerner _
He is an EV infrastructure specialist and risk mitigation consultant, focusing on safety issues in the transportation sector, including fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen refueling stations, battery electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging, and fuel supply and infrastructure. Additionally, he is an independent inventor and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (F.R.S.A. Manufactures and Commerce) in the UK. He holds numerous patents in the United States and currently has additional applications pending to expand his portfolio in the fields of transportation and safety. 

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The response to electric vehicle fires is a much more complex issue than people realize, and there is a lot to learn. There is no single approach to address all potential problems. 

EV Battery fire incidents continue to occur, and the situation in the United States is no different. What do you think about this? 
 Unfortunately what I predicted years ago is happening in real time. Three years ago, I had to look for e-mobility, EV, and lithium-ion events, and gather global data, which did not exist. Why? Lab data, and real world data are very different. I spent eight years in the standards world with ISO and other organizations, so I have an understanding of standards. They are written in five year cycles for the minimum performance and safety. And, they are data driven. That is a short explanation of why there are no fundamental guidelines, on a global scale. Everyone is charting their own course, including the fire service. It is a patchwork of “suppression methods” concerning how to handle these events. I educate first responders and police in two states, and I know this from interviewing them. 

I focus on what is happening to the public, the infrastructure, the first responders and awareness for organizations, to be prepared for any potential issues. You can’t negate all of them, but you can prepare and have a plan of action. For example, a multi-story parking lot can have every safety feature in the world, and the best action plans, but you don’t control what cars customers bring into a garage, on a bridge or in a tunnel.

We are seeing more and more significant fires, and events related to electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries. Since our last interview, we have had two events at ports. Montreal saw a large fire, with a white out condition of smoke from the burning batteries in a container. There were over one hundred first responders (photo). What is shocking is to see the first responders in SCBA talking to a woman on the street. They should have directed her to move as far away from what could have been the toxic white cloud of “HF.” The other incident at the Port of Los Angeles was handled in a completely different way. A truck with lithium-ion batteries overturned, and the decision was to let it burn, and not use water. Why? They didn’t want the toxins that would mix with the fire water to pollute the area. Two countries, two methods, two ports, same week.

This week also brought the aftermath of Hurricane Helene which affected many US states. Florida once again learned EVs and salt water can be a toxic situation. Much to the Governer’s credit, he announced this and told residents to move them away from areas that could be flooded. Why is salt water a problem? For two reasons. One is logical and based in science, and the other is, in my opinion, a foolish choice by some battery manufacturers. Salt water, simply put, can bridge the gap between the negative and positive terminals of a battery which can cause it to short circuit. This can happen when the vehicle is submerged, partially submerged, moved after submersion and post event, if the water, salt and corrosion remain in the pack. Remember many EV batteries are composed of individual cells and believe it or not are fragile, like e-bike packs. The reason that I can’t seem to get an answer to is why manufacturers do not have IPX68 vents. They usually opt for IP68 which allows water ingress. Maybe the second salt water flooding event will change things.

Montreal Port Battery Fire, Late September.

A new plan for permeable pavements is being implemented in New York and surrounding areas, with elevated crosswalks being promoted. 

Yesterday, NHTSA and Stellantis used a “do not drive, charge or use vehicle” recall for its plug-in hybrids Grand Cherokees and Wranglers.. A total of 154,000 vehicles, not including the previous recall of the plug in Wranglers. The recall notice said a software fix may be needed. Sounds simple, right? If you really read the documents from NHTSA you will see the issue: “some may have been built with a battery pack that contains cells which are susceptible to separator damage.” Software fix? Not a chance. It is a battery issue, not a battery management issue. Software can not modify the physical aspects of a sealed battery pack, no more than software fixes can fix flat tires or leaking sunroofs.  We have seen this before. There was a recall of plug in hybrid vans. Post fix, more vehicles caught fire post “software” fix. Yes, software is a vital component of battery management, but it will not be able to repair defective hardware.

And this week also brought the plans for the continued deployment of “Permeable Pavement.”
This is a new deployment in New York City and the surrounding areas. What is it? Basically a road that allows the water to seep through the pavement for ‘’improved drainage.” To quote a NYC official: “ we have to take every opportunity to try to soften our landscape and allow for storm water to infiltrate into the ground.” Interesting right? Well think about the water used when an EV or e-bike catches fire. The firewater and the subsequent contaminated water from rainwater will take those forever chemicals directly under the street, and into the soil. And, even if you could remediate with a “cleaner” or think you can hose it down the sewer drains, you can’t. And, the same day, the raised crosswalks were also promoted. What are they, and what do they do? Speed humps that slow down traffic, and make pedestrian crossings “safer”. The idea is to slow down the traffic, and have a dedicated area for crossing that is safer, has better drainage, and the hope is that drivers will learn to slow down before crossing the pedestrian area on a street. Sounds ideal, right? Maybe, but certainly not ideal for EVs, in a city that is pushing for EV adoption. Why? Those same safety speed bumps are exactly what can cause battery packs to fail. Why and how? Batteries are like brains, they get concussions, are fragile, and the packs can be damaged from the bottom. 

I also felt that driving an electric vehicle in Jeju Island over potholes and bumps caused significant impacts on the EV. 
 If you are constantly scraping the bottom of the car, especially a smaller EV, it is a repetitive insult to the battery. Even a common plug-in hybrid's Minivan is only 12 inches from the ground. Think about EV performance cars with nominal ground clearance of 4.12 inches. Incheon and the Mercedes EQE fire? First the blame was on the “Chinese battery” which I found to be an absurd instant point of blame. Now it is being reported that it may not be the ‘’Chinese battery” which I never suspected as the issue, but a physical damage to the battery pack itself by the owner of the vehicle. We all hit curbs, however when you do that in a gasoline vehicle or battery vehicle, you may not notice it or have an immediate issue. However if you damage the pack, the fire can start immediately or 60 hours after the vehicle is parked, which is what happened at Incheon. When I educate, I actually have a mobile phone battery, which I set on toy wheels that move the battery (insert photo) to demonstrate that an EV is really just a large battery on wheels. And, the battery is at the bottom of the vehicle. You certainly would not put your mobile phone battery under your car and drive through rough streets, rain, salt, snow and hit curbs, and have car accidents and expect the battery to be perfect, right? I am making a point, that damage to the undersides of vehicles does occur, and that is where the battery pack is.

Well, you certainly had an eventful week! So, the question is how did we get here, and why are so many incorrect presumptions surfacing? And, why are the dangers increasing? And wasn’t the e-mobility and EV movement supposed to help the environment?  
 The short answer is that there was no master plan. The Nissan Leaf in 2010 started the EV movement. It was an ideal vision. A small, low power, low cost vehicle that replaced a large gasoline vehicle, which may have contributed to polluting the environment if it was old, or it’s size did not match the driver’s current needs. If Nissan got a driver of an old SUV that was not needed, because the children were off to college and the car really was only used now to go to the market and for visiting friends, who needed a gas guzzler that was a polluter that may have gotten nine miles per gallon? A win/ win. Then came Tesla in 2012. That made an EV very appealing. Power, style, luxury, and speed. Then we snowballed into the hulking EVs and SUVs of today. The Cybertruck, The F-150 Lightning, the Ram Electric pickup truck.

And, Maserati and McLaren have just launched their fully electric supercars. You don’t buy a McLaren to drive slowly, you buy it for performance. That performance requires a very powerful battery, which is 4.12 inches off the ground. And the more you push a battery the more stress it incurs on the battery. Also understand the ‘’rule” is to never charge a battery past 80%. We are seeing Korea stress that now. However, if you have a McLaren or own a car rental dealership, range is a problem, so it is always charged to the upper limits. I have yet to engage with any EV owner that stops charging at 80%. In fact, most people charge their EVs and leave them plugged in, which creates even greater issues. We can mitigate many events, if owners charged to 80% and immediately unplugged the EV. Will that happen? No. What is truly terrifying is that many car service drivers are putting cold towels on the charging handle to fool the software into thinking it is not overheating, which will abort the charge. The drivers need the vehicle to be at a 100% state of charge. An idle car does not make money.

Since battery packs can bounce out and individual cells can roll far away, a burning EV cannot be thought of as a single unit. 

So, car batteries are configured differently today? 
 Yes. Now, batteries are not always a collection of cells within a solid case. Some batteries may be designed so that the individual cells drop out of the bottom in an emergency. 
One vehicle manufacturer has encased the individual cells using a pack or module with open architecture. You can see the individual cells. The cells and modules in these cars can explode and shoot up and out of the vehicle. In a recent EV fire, three individual cells shot through the roof a vehicle reaching a height of fifty feet. This is not an isolated case- the UK fire service has documented cells shooting sixty-six feet during a e-bike fire. 

There are some cars with the battery placed within the cabin, under the rear seat for example. Each battery configuration presents unique challenges.
Because battery packs can be ejected and individual fuel cells can shoot and roll great distances, we cannot think of a burning EV as a single discrete unit. We must be prepared to suppress a fire that is at a distance from the vehicle itself. Each fire has the potential to become several fires. 
As a Safety and Risk Mitigation Consultant, my role is to identify risks and work with clients to implement strategies designed to decrease the number of events that jeopardize the infrastructure and cause personal injury, while protecting first responders and the public.

In photos from the Luton airport fire, the flames spread in an irregular pattern, leaving parts of the floor missing, resembling "Swiss cheese." This seems to be related to the location of electric vehicles parked there. 

Let’s start with infrastructure. Can you talk about the cause and effect of the fire at Incheon?  
 We may never know what caused the specific injury or insult to this battery, but we do know that in most cases like this, one or more of the cells that comprise the lithium-ion battery can be damaged and following a chemical reaction it starts to burn, igniting the other cells or modules. There may be other defects in the battery pack, specific to some battery designs, that can provoke a similar reaction. And, as the speculation swirls about, it may be the owner’s fault because something was damaged due to their error.
A battery can be damaged in many ways. In the USA, there are six million car accidents annually. Every accident is a potentially damaged battery. This statistic does not consider the number of vehicles that hit the curb, run over a pothole or experience an unreported minor “fender bender”. Anytime an electric vehicle hits the curb or a speed bump, there is potential to damage the battery pack. 

These fires burn at incredibly high temperatures, causing devastating damage to the surrounding infrastructure. A gasoline powered vehicle burns at roughly 1500F, an EV fire typically burns at 4000- 5000F. This is hot enough to melt steel! 

A building’s normal defenses are destroyed in the face of this incredible heat. Sprinklers can fail and cease to function and steel infrastructure can be compromised. If you’ve ever seen a photograph of an electric vehicle after a fire, there is nearly nothing left- often just a pile of ashes.

In a parking structure, cars are close together and the fire easily jumps from one vehicle to the next, creating a path of destruction it its wake. Remember, an EV fire does not have to start with the EV. If a traditional gasoline car is parked near an EV, and the gasoline powered car catches fire, it can easily spread to the EV, setting off a new cascade of events. As we know, forty vehicles were incinerated and more than eight hundred were damaged at Incheon, resulting in more than six hundred insurance claims to date.

In the Luton airport fire, photos reveal that the fire burned in irregular patterns, leaving a pattern of damage that resembles Swiss cheese. Parts of floors are missing and this appears to be related to the location of EVs that were parked there.

To be clear, the concern is not limited to parking structures. Lithium-ion battery fires can happen anywhere. There have been several serious fires in shops selling e-bikes. Many of these are small shops with apartments above the store. In New York City, we have seen several fires that started when someone brought an e-bike into an apartment.
There are parking structures underground, on the street level and above offices, shopping malls and apartments. Each location presents specific challenges. Parking structures are incorporated into apartment buildings, shopping malls, airports, office towers and schools. There are even apartment buildings, in many cities around the world, where you can drive your car right into an elevator and park in your apartment.


Fire suppression blankets, encapsulating agents, foam, misting, vehicle immersion tanks, and chemical extinguishers are used to control these fires with varying degrees of success, but there is no guaranteed solution. 

It sounds like the most important thing is to extinguish a lithium-ion battery fire as quickly as possible. 
 Unfortunately, it is not as simple as that. Fires caused by lithium-ion batteries are very difficult to extinguish. We never really talk about extinguishing these fires, we use the term “suppression”.  Many first responders believe that suppression requires incredible amounts of water. A recent fire involving an electric truck in California required 50,000 gallons of water to control the fire. This is enough water to fill a 20x50 foot swimming pool.

People have used fire suppression blankets, encapsulating agents, foam, misting, vehicle immersion tanks and chemical extinguishers to control these fires with varying degrees of success. There is no solution that is guaranteed to work. We are still searching for the answer. As a result, many firefighters use methods that are unproven or dubious. 

Once the fire is suppressed, it may only be temporary. Lithium-ion batteries spontaneously re-ignite for several weeks after the initial event. We cannot think of a battery as a single unit- each may be comprised of thousands of cells. A fire can become a rolling wave of reignition involving the cells that were not part of the original event. New research suggests that water may aggravate the burning cells. Clearly, we do not understand the best methods of suppression.

These fires happen very quickly. In the video from the Incheon fire, you can see white smoke coming from the car, and in seconds, it is engulfed in flames. So, we are dealing with a rapid progression to a full blaze, with little or no warning and a fire that is difficult, if not impossible to control.

When a fire occurs, it releases toxic gases commonly referred to as HF. These gases may contain metallic particles, toxins, and other carcinogens, and inhaling this smoke can damage the lungs, bones, skin, and eyes. 

So, is it the rapid sequence of events and the high temperatures that cause so much damage to buildings and other infrastructure?
 The short answer is yes. However, it is not so simple. As these fires burn, they off-gas toxic emissions commonly referred to as HF. The gases may also contain metallic particles, toxins, and other carcinogens. Breathing these fumes can damage lungs, bones, skin and eyes. The role of toxic gases in a particular event is determined by the space the vehicle occupies, ceiling height and the design of the ventilation system as well as the components of the battery emissions. As first responders douse the burning vehicle with water, the runoff can contain toxic substances if the individual cells split. This water will run into the streets, drainage systems and ultimately can work its way into the water supply if aquifers are affected. 

The intense heat associated with these fires (4000F-5000F) can destroy a building’s drainage system. When these systems fail, the toxic runoff can travel in unknown and unplanned directions, depositing forever chemicals around the site.

When a fire occurs in a parking structure located on the roof, the toxic runoff can run down into the offices, stores or apartments below. This toxic runoff can infiltrate the porous components of the infrastructure and may render the building impossible to repair.
After a fire, walls and ventilation fans are covered in soot. In cases such as these, the soot may also be contaminated with toxic and forever chemicals.

With the extensive damage that you are describing, it makes me wonder if a building that survives an EV fire can be remediated?
 There is no easy answer but a building that is severely damaged may need to be demolished and rebuilt. Whether or not this happens will depend upon the degree of damage, the owner’s insurance, and the condition of the site. A building site that is contaminated with a host of “forever chemicals” may need many years and many millions of dollars worth of remediation. 
The costs are staggering. Razing and rebuilding, environmental remediation and monitoring, and the aftermath of personal injuries result in costs that easily reach into hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

After demolition, rebuilding and site remediation, the building is still vulnerable to the same type of EV fire in the future. In August 2024, in Queens, NY there was a fire at an e- bike shop which destroyed the building. The same shop burned because of an e-bike fire roughly one year ago. The retail space and apartments in the building were all destroyed. This is why it is so important to develop policies, procedures and guidelines as we move ahead.

This all sounds very frightening. Is there anything that we can do to make this better?   
 I don’t think we need to be frightened- we need to be prepared. When I work with clients, I try to be the calming voice in the room. In many ways, this reminds me of the beginning of the COVID pandemic. We knew there was a problem, and we tried everything possible to contain it. With time, we understood the reality of the situation and were able to address the root cause. It is similar with the EV situation today. We need a measured approach to understand the problems and address them.
Essentially, a battery is a device used to store energy. As we move forward, new methods of storage and new battery types will be developed, and they will almost certainly bring new problems and challenges. This is a story that is developing in real time and will require constant attention and monitoring.

Electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries are part of our culture. It is my job to help develop policies, procedures and real-life strategies for enjoying their benefits while keeping the public, first responders, end-users and our infrastructure safe. There are several components to my work. 

Part One is understanding how to plan for new construction and adapt the existing infrastructure to maintain a safe environment. For example, new construction often plans for the deployment of vehicle charging stations because it is popular and seen as an “added value”. But deployed improperly, they will increase risk to the building and to the public. While surveying properties, I have seen clients place a number chargers side by side, increasing the risk of an EV fire spreading from one car to another. I have also seen a garage located under a large apartment complex with multiple charging stations. The ventilation system for this underground garage not only goes up to the building, it also vents to an outdoor courtyard that is heavily used by the tenants and their children.

Part Two is the providing the education necessary for First Responders to ensure that they manage these fires and remain safe. We must be sure that all first responders know the best approach to managing these events. Every first responder must understand the basic science behind these fires, and the potential for toxic fumes and runoff if they are to stay safe while they work to keep us safe.

Part Three is working with manufacturers and developers to create the best protective gear and equipment possible. Higher temperatures, toxic fumes, wetter environments all need to be considered when handling a lithium-ion event. Currently, first responders “turn-out” gear does not match the event. Their protective gear cannot withstand the temperatures and severe conditions produced by a EV fire. Remember that EV fires can be 3500F hotter than a gasoline fire. The face shields in use today can withstand temperatures up to approximately 400F and bunker gear is designed for temperatures up to roughly 1550F.

This week I will start a new phase of my consulting work. I will be working with an organization that has almost ten thousand employees, and basic understanding and guidelines will go to all the employees. It is vital that everyone in a company understands the risks, what to look for and what to do if there is an event. It is a massive retraining. Retraining? Yes for the workers and the first responders. We are all programmed to a degree to want to be heroes, good samaritans and help those in need. Concerning lithium-ion based products, the most dangerous part is before the fire (which is of course a danger). If we can know that an EV, e-bike or other lithium-ion based product is about to fail, we need to get everyone as far away as possible. The ‘’HF” is toxic and can be deadly. It is the opposite of what the reaction was. You don’t go in to put a fire out, you exit, go as far away from the burning EV or e-mobility and call 911. You don’t have SCBA or turnout gear which will protect your lungs, skin, eyes and your body from the HF and 5000 F. Sadly first responders don’t have the temperature protection they need. Their face shields withstand roughly 400 F and their turnout gear roughly 1,550 F. The term “HF” is odd, because it is a specific chemical, however it has come to mean the toxic mix of HF, cyanide, formaldehyde, cobalt particles, and the truly unknown toxins in the mix. Why don’t we know all of them? Data. And, even if we think we know, new testing will reveal more. Marlboro cigarettes just celebrated their 100th anniversary of being on shelves across the planet. We all thought they contained roughly 80 carcinogens. Well, our methods of testing improved and now we identified four more.

In August, a fire occurred at an e-bike shop in Queens, New York, destroying the building. Both the retail space and apartments within the building were destroyed. 

New construction often plans for the installation of vehicle charging stations, as this is popular and considered an “added value.” However, if deployed improperly, it can increase risks to the building and the public.

This is certainly a more complex issue than many people realize. We all have a lot to learn. Where do we go from here?
 That’s an excellent question and I wish there was a simple answer. There is no single approach to address all the potential problems. 
There has been a lot of focus, in Korea and other countries, on the battery’s “state of charge”. While it is true that many EV fires occur while a car is charging, many fires do not start this way. EV fires can occur when a car is charging, being driven or when parked. 
Similarly, people advocate for battery inspections. But an inspection will only tell us what is happening at a moment in time. Certainly, finding a damaged battery on an annual inspection will prevent a potential disaster, but a healthy battery can be damaged driving away from the inspection center.

There has been talk about the requirement for sprinklers wherever EV’s are parked. A steady and powerful supply of water may be important, but will the sprinkler system survive the extreme temperatures that occur with an EV fire? A persistent reporting error in many news articles that I’ve seen is the temperature of these fires. As I mentioned earlier, EV/ Lithium-Ion battery fires burn between 4000F and 5000F, not the 1000F that we often see mentioned.

Additionally, if the sprinklers are overhead, the effect on a burning battery pack located on the underside of a vehicle is limited.
One must consider the design of ventilation systems for indoor or underground parking structures. EV fires release a cocktail of toxic fumes. Although we commonly talk about Hydrogen Fluoride, the vapor contains other chemicals such as cyanide, formaldehyde and cobalt particles. We do not fully understand the forever chemicals and their effects. As this gas vents upward, outward and sideways, will it be carried into the building above or vented to the outside? When families returned to the apartment building in Incheon, after the recent EV fire, many residents suffered rashes, ocular and respiratory problems. 

Toxic runoff is a very real problem when managing the aftermath of an EV fire. Hydrogen fluoride and other chemicals can be absorbed in the ground and find their way to the water table and aquifers. In many cases, the cost of remediation of these toxic events is significantly more than the cost of physical damage to a building- even in a case where an entire building must be demolished and rebuilt.
How would we remediate a building that survives an EV fire? Toxic vapor and soot has coated the walls and lines the ventilation ducts. Black mold appears on the walls, as water and toxins are absorbed by the porous building materials. Restarting the ventilation systems may simply push the toxins further into the building. 

Speaking of toxic fumes, how are we preparing our first responders to handle these problems? They need education and adequate personal protection systems designed to ensure that they can suppress the fire, rescue victims, and preserve infrastructure without being injured or poisoned. Police are often the first to arrive and the last to leave the scene. Videos show that they are on site, without protection. We are putting our first responders in harm’s way when we do not provide adequate protection.
When homes, apartments, shopping malls, hospitals, airports, railway stations, parking structures and offices are rebuilt following a devastating event, it is important that they are designed with all of this in mind. Unless every project is approached thoughtfully and carefully, we may rebuild, only to face the same problems down the road.

All of this comes with a huge price tag. As these events become more common, what will happen to insurance premiums? How will a self-insured business realistically maintain a reserve large enough to manage these costs?

I could go on and on but I don’t want to leave you with the impression that this is a hopelessly dangerous situation. Building owners, construction companies, architects and engineers need to work with an expert in the field to troubleshoot and vet their designs and plans. There are certainly some common-sense basic rules that we should all follow but each building site will present unique challenges and even more unique solutions to these problems. 

Businesses can't rely on the first responders to protect their property from the suppression of an EV or e-mobility event. Their job is to suppress the fire, make it safe, and allow the remediation to begin. Many think it is the end of the event. In many cases it is just the start. Why? The first responders do not remove the water they used to suppress the event which may have spread toxins throughout the structure, which is what happened in Incheon and Luton. That is why risk assessments and recommendations before an event are vital. And, for small business owners, the financial burden may be unsustainable, and may lead to a closure due to lack of income from the property or business. Larger, highly profitable business and conglomerates are not immune either. They are often "self-insured" to a degree. Having events like this can take any business and alter it's course in dramatic ways. And, the minute you hang the "Grand Reopening" sign up, it can happen again.  I spoke with two vehicles dealerships about risk assessments. Both said "We make the best EVs!" I said, that may be true, but you have this area called "Service", and you have no idea what condition customers are bringing vehicles into your shop. It is for "service" which may not be a routine maintenance issue, however it may be a battery pack failure or one of the half-million battery vehicles that have been recalled to date, that have a "do not drive, park inside or charge the vehicle." governmental regulator decree. You can't diagnose every potential battery issue in the ten minutes it takes to put the car in your service lot, and get the customer into a loaner. " Their reaction? No reaction, just a blank stare off into space. 

Luton Airport's fire did not close the airport. However, smaller regional airports, with garages in the middle area of the airport, could effectively shut the airport down, and many are located by the water, which becomes an environmental issue. I am not a negative person, I am a realist who hates surprises and bad outcomes that could have been prevented with awareness, education, and strategic plans in place. Those in charge of a business or real estate venture capital organizations, need to understand the property they may be buying or investing in. The insurance companies will surely raise or cancel insurance for properties who have no safety preparations. We have turned a corner concerning all things battery, and we need to be prepared for what can happen. Being inactive and waiting for the next tragic event is no longer an option. 

Thank you again William. You’ve certainly given our readers a lot to think about. Please keep us updated as conditions in the field and best practices change to adapt.  

Every project must be approached thoughtfully and carefully. Otherwise, we may face the same problems again. Note: The photo is not related to the content. 
Fire accident under highway in San Francisco.

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